Mitsubishi Heavy Industries Air Conditioning Gold Coast

Mitsubishi Heavy Industries Gold Coast

Mitsubishi Heavy Industries Gold Coast Air Conditioning has been supplying quality air conditioning units to the Gold Coast for almost 20 years. Mitsubishi Heavy Industries have delivered engineering excellence for over 130 years across three main industries: power systems, industry & infrastructure and aircraft, defense & space.

They turned their expertise to air conditioning in 1953 in Japan and later introduced their first units to Australia and the Gold Coast in 1975.  Using a local distributor they established their first company in 1999. Through their successful operations in Australia, they steadily grew as a division of Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, and eventually spanned off as Mitsubishi Heavy Industries Air-Conditioners Australia in 2009.

Wall Mounted Split Systems

Wall mounted split systems are Australia’s most popular solution for heating and cooling single rooms

The Mitsubishi Heavy Industries (MHI) focus is on developing world-class, highly efficient and energy saving air conditioning systems that offer comfort and reassurance to their customers. The expansion of MHI has allowed the company to provide a more diverse range of products to the Australian and New Zealand markets, and provide comprehensive support to their partners and home owners through their presence in all major and regional areas.

Mitsubishi Heavy Industries Reviews

Mitsubishi Heavy Industries has won the Canstar Blue’s best air conditioning unit for the 4th year in a row.  It has earned a consistent five stars for all 5 categories and a 4 star for quietness.These categories include:

  1. Performance & reliability – the air conditioner produces consistent and effective cooling, has not broken and its performance hasn’t reduced considering the frequency of use
  2. Ease of use – the air conditioner produces consistent and effective cooling, has not broken and its performance hasn’t reduced considering the frequency of use.
  3. Functionality & features – the settings and functions on the air conditioner are easy to locate and instructions are easy to follow.
  4. Value for money – the cost is low for the quality and performance of the air conditioner unit.
  5. Quietness – the air conditioner operates at a volume that isn’t disturbing.
  6. Overall satisfaction – measures consumer satisfaction with an air conditioner brand as an individual score NOT a combined total of all criteria.

These reviews are gathered by feedback left by customers that have purchased and installed an air conditioning unit in the last three years.They also rate highly on the CHOICE website.

Mitsubishi Heavy Industries and Mitsubishi Electric Air conditioning units.

Most people see the 3 red diamonds in a triangle shape and associate this with the Mitsubishi brand. The word Mitsubishi is actually Japanese for ‘three diamonds’

What most people do not know are that these are in fact two competing brands with the same logo.

One is Mitsubishi Heavy Industries and the other is Mitsubishi Electric.

Furthermore, both companies produce the same types of air conditioning units.

These include high wall split systems, multihead units, ducted units, floor/ceiling consoles and cassette units.


The Mitsubishi Heavy Industries high wall split systems come in two models.

The 2, 2.5, 3.5 and 5Kw unit sizes fall under the Avanti and Avanti Plus models.

The Avanti Plus also has a 6Kw model.

The bigger units fall under the Bronte models and come in 6.3, 7.1, 8 and 9.5Kw sizes.

All of these units are inverter models. This is the latest technology that allows the compressor to run as fast or as slow as needed depending on the heat load of the room. Think of it as a variable speed compressor rather than the older type of compressor that was either running at 100% or 0% when turned off.

They are also reverse cycle. This allows the unit to cool and heat. Perfect for our climate on the Gold Coast.

At Mitsubishi Heavy Industries Gold Coast, Coastal Coastal Commercial and Residential Air Conditioning we sell both Avanti and Bronte air conditioning units.




All models use the latest R32 refrigerant. This lowers the previous R410 refrigerants global warming potential by almost 70%. It also uses less electricity to achieve the desired temperature compared to previous refrigerants.

GUARANTEED OPERATION RANGE These units have a guaranteed operation range from minus 15 degrees all the way up to 46 degrees. Ensuring they will work in almost all of Australia’s climates and perfect for our climate on the Gold Coast.



An optional adaptor can be fitted to these units and connected to your home or office Wi-Fi. This allows these units to be controlled remotely with your phone, tablet or browser.



A press of the ‘3D’ button allows the louvers on the indoor unit to move automatically to the left and right while moving up and down. This allows even air flow to be distributed around the room to be conditioned.

You can also set the louvers in any vertical or horizontal position and the unit will retain these settings when it is next turned on. How smart is that?

An AUTO louver setting is also provided that will allow the unit to select the correct position based on the MODE. This makes the louvers point down during the HEATING cycle and UP during the COOLING and DRY cycles. We all remember Mrs Gillespie in year 3 telling us that ‘heat rises’. The unit will point the hot air down during the HEAT mode so it creates a swirling motion effect allowing the fan to circulate and air as effectively as possible. While on the COOL mode is will force the unit out at a high level allow the cold air to hit the warm air in the ceiling and create convection current to cool the room faster.


Mitsubishi Heavy Industries units all come installed with special enzyme filters which allow the unit to remove airborne allergens such as pollen, hair and dust.

A photo-catalytic filter is also fitted that allows the removal of odour causing bacteria by capturing and neutralising these particles.

A standard filter is also fitted to allow airborne particles to be caught before they enter the coil.


Most air conditioning units will eventually start to smell. Most will have a foul or stale odour and visible mould can be seen inside where the fan blows the air out. This is a normal side effect of trying to cool a room during with our humid weather.

The self cleaning mode allows the unit to run the fan only at a very low speed after the unit is turned off to dry out in moisture and prolong the build-up of mould.

Although this feature does help in keeping mould away it will eventually need to be prorly stripped and cleaned.

We offer a premium strip and clean service clean which will remove this mould and odour.


This button can be pressed to allow the unit to run at a higher fan speed for 15 minutes. This is best used when the unit is first turned on to cool/heat the room as fast as possible.


This button can be used to allow the unit to operate at a reduced noise level. As these units are so quiet we doubt you would actually use.


As with all air conditioning units these  units have a weekly timer that can be set to operate with up to four daily timers and up to 28 timers per week.

An on/off timer can also be used to turn the unit on or off at selected times with a 24 hour period.

The unit will switch on slightly before the set time to assure the room will be at the set temperature at the set time.

The sleep timer can be set to turn the unit off in 30 minute intervals up to a maximum of 4 hours.


The LED light on the indoor unit can be adjusted to prevent light saturation into rooms you would prefer to keep dark.


A useful button to allow the remote control to be locked from little hands.


These Mitsubishi Heavy Industries have a PC board with fuzzy logic technology.  No, this is not something you would ask a robotic barber for. This is a pre-determined set of instructions that allows the  unit to adjust the compressor determined on the  mode, temperature and fan speed.

A ‘Eco Mode’ can also be selected that allows the unit to run at a reduced capacity. This reduces the power consumption while maintaining the room at the set temperature.


Microcomputer-Operated Defrosting

This allows the unit to do some fancy stuff during really cold temperatures. I wont go into detail, but take my word for it – its pretty fancy.

Self-Diagnostic Function

In the unlikely event your air conditioning unit were to break down, the technician can see what is wrong with the unit by entering top secret codes and moving ones arms and legs in a set of seemingly random moves.

Auto Restart Function

Starts the unit in the last operation mode if there were a loss of power.

Back Up Switch

If the remote control stops working well good news. There’s a backup switch.

The button for this can be found under the front cover to the right of the filters. This button will turn the unit on and off.

The settings cannot be changed with this button but hopefully this emergency button can get you through until you purchase a new remote or find the remote that your 2 year old has hidden.

Avanti PLUS

The Avanti PLUS models share the same features as the Avanti models however with a key difference.

The Avanti PLUS Series has a record breaking 7 star energy star rating. This is  for both heating and cooling but only for the smaller 2 Kw models. It has 6 stars for the more common 2.5Kw models which you would find in your standard bedroom. They also have about an extra star rating for their 3.5 and 5Kw units.

It does this by utilising energy saving motion sensors and a special economy operation mode. It uses these sensors to scan the room for movement and activity and adjusts the unit to suit.

If no activity is detected the unit will go into standby mode until activity is sensed again. If there is no activity sensed in a 12 hour period the unit will automatically turn off.

All units share the same remote and have slightly different indoor and outdoor unit sizes. Feel free to contact us if you have any questions.

See the below picture for comparisons between the Mitsubishi Heavy Industries Avanti and Avanti PLUS models.

A copy can be downloaded from HERE for the Mitsubishi Heavy Industries AVANTI and AVANTI PLUS models.

See the below picture for comparisons between the Mitsubishi Heavy Industries Bronte models.

A copy can be downloaded from HERE for the Mitsubishi Heavy Industries Bronte models.

A brochure for the Avanti models can be downloaded HERE

A brochure for the Avanti PLUS models can be downloaded HERE

Mitsubishi Heavy Industries AVANTI user manual can be downloaded HERE

Mitsubishi Heavy Industries BRONTE user manual can be downloaded HERE

Mitsubishi Heavy Industries Split System Brochure can be downloaded HERE

Mitsubishi Heavy Industries website can be viewed HERE


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